Finally taking the plunge

I’ve spent the last several months itching for a new project, ideas swirling in my head about where to expend my creative energy. Should I start a business as a side hustle? Write a book? Should I do it by myself or should I associate with friends in creating this new project?

I ended up setting my sights on this blog. As it turns out, I was eventually going to do something with this domain name that I purchased over 3 years ago (talk about foresight!). Because blogging, too, has been on my mind for a while, but I never dared take the plunge…until now.

There’s a fear behind getting your words out there for the entire world to see. Before hitting the publish button, I had to come to terms with the idea that nobody might actually be interested in anything I have to say, a fear that’s also been at the root of my delaying writing that book. Or starting a business for that matter, because what if nobody wants to buy whatever I have to sell?

404: Purpose not found

And thus I am here, typing frantically on a random Tuesday night, writing the first post on a blog that’s still in search of its identity. The reason for this is simple: I am doing this first and foremost for myself. Not having an audience with expectations at this time, I can allow myself to freely cross the lines between providing interesting content on specific topics that are of interest to me, expressing personal reflections or reflecting on events, readings and ideas that cross my path as I go about my day. It may turn out to be professional articles some days, and more personal matters on others.

You can thus expect posts across a wide range of topics: personal finance, technology, data and analytics, business, psychology, climbing, CrossFit and books being topics that spark a flame inside me to share how I feel and think.

Back to my roots

This is a return to my roots for me, having worked as a journalist until about 10 years ago. Writing this today, I feel energized in a way I haven’t experienced in a long long time.

I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed doing creative work that allows me to scratch that itch.

Back then, one of the things I struggled with was finding ideas for content that would be interesting to readers. I was paralyzed by that fear, which pushed me to quit the field entirely.

My hope is that by having the freedom to write about the things that are on my mind, I’ll manage to communicate my passion and find an audience that shares my interests.

People who will take that plunge with me.